Un Gender Policy Statement - Malawi
Malawi SDNP
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FOREWORD:  UN Gender Policy Statement - Malawi

This UN Joint Gender Policy Statement for Malawi calls for mainstreaming gender in all development policies and programmes and to enhance the advancement of women in order for them to participate fully in development. Specifically, the Policy seeks to :-
  1. Assist National endeavours in the follow up on recommendations of the International Conferences and conventions, particularly the Beijing Platform for Action;
  2. Deliver a common UN message on gender;
  3. Enhance gender coordination among Government, NGOs and the UN System and other development partners;
  4. Facilitate refocusing of UN-supported programmes according to individual organisations'comparative advantage and strengths; and
  5. Create a positive gender responsive work environment within UN Agencies to promote gender equity at the work place.
The UN organisations in Malawi acknowledge the clear messages emanating from various International Conferences which make a commitment to improving the social, political and economic position of people, especially women.

These Conferences stress and recognise the important role that women play in sustainable development. They also mandate the United Nations Specialised Agencies and the United Nations Programmes and Funds to work together to create a coordinated and responsive system which addresses the issue of gender imbalance.

In order to continue with the UN agencies' active and supportive role to national development endeavours this Policy is formulated in keeping with the various Conventions and Mandates of respective UN organisations and in conformity with the Malawi Platform for Action which is derived from resolutions made-at the Fourth World Conference on Women.

The Policy is supportive of the Malawi Government's initiative in the fight against poverty through the Poverty Alleviation Programme, which particularly highlights achieving gender equity and equality in Malawi by the integration of gender perspectives in all development policies and programmes.

The Policy has been developed conscientiously by the UN Gender Working Group comprising of staff members from the UN System in Malawi supported by the UN Resident Coordinator and the respective UN Heads of Agencies.

Special appreciation is extended to Dr. Hilda Tadria, a Gender and Social Development Consultant, for her technical expertise in facilitating and managing the process that led to the formulation of this Policy. The numerousous individuals and organisations who provided information, support, advice and guidance towards the achievement of this task are gratefully acknowledged.

With this Policy, the UN family in Malawi looks forward to further collaboration and partnership with the Government, the civil society and donors to achieve gender mainstrearning in all development initiatives.

Terence Jones
United Nations
Resident Coordinator
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