UN Gender Policy Statement - Malawi
Malawi SDNP
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Monitoring the progress of the implementation of the elements of the Policy shall be by way of feedback in the form of reports on activities and programmes that advocate gender mainstreaming by agencies. These reports shall mainly come from focal points and programme officers in these agencies.

To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the Policy the Gender Coordinating Unit and UNGAD shall also convene regular meetings of agencies to discuss progress being made in gender mainstreaming in relation to this Policy guidelines, measurable indicators and roles and responsibilities provided.

To implement the Policy Statement effectively a three year plan of action has to be prepared which is to include an operational budget for coordinating the various activities outlined in the Policy strategies and to operationalise the implementation strategy.

Among strategies to be adopted for effective monitoring of the implementation of the Policy is for agencies to adopt common modalities for assessing the gender perspective of project documents and programmes submitted to UN agencies.
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