20 of 1994
31 of 1994
6 of 1995
7 of 1995
1 of 1997
38 of 1998
Malawi a sovereign state
  1. The Republic of Malawi is a sovereign State with rights and obligations under the Law of Nations.
The national flag, etc 
  1. Malawi shall have a National Flag, a National Coat of Arms, a National Anthem and a Public Seal.
The national territory
  1. The national territory of the Republic of Malawi shall consist of all the territory, including airspace, waters and islands which comprised the territory of Malawi before the commencement of this Constitution, and shall include any territory lawfully acquired thereafter by adjustment of boundaries or otherwise.
Protection of the people of Malawi under this Constitution
  1. This Constitution shall bind all executive, legislative and judicial organs of the State at all levels of Government and all the peoples Malawi are entitled to the equal protection of this Constitution, and laws made under it.
Supremacy of this Constitution
  1. Any act of Government or any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution shall, to the extent of such inconsistency, be invalid.
Universal and equal suffrage
  1. Save as otherwise provided in this Constitution, the authority to govern derives from the people of Malawi as expressed through universal and equal suffrage in elections held in accordance with this Constitution in a manner prescribed by an Act of Parliament.
The separate status, function and duty
  1. The executive shall be responsible for the initiation of policies and legislation and for the implementation of all laws which embody the of the executive express wishes of the people of Malawi and which promote the principles of this Constitution.
The separate status, function and duty of the legislature
  1. The legislature when enacting laws shall reflect in its deliberations the interests of all the people of Malawi and shall further the values explicit or implicit in this Constitution.
The separate status, functions duty of the judiciary
  1. The judiciary shall have the responsibility of interpreting, protecting and enforcing this Constitution and all laws and in accordance with this Constitution in an independent and impartial manner with regard only to legally relevant facts and the prescriptions of law.