2.0 Policy Goals and Guiding Principles
Overall policy goal
Specific policy goals
Guiding principles

2.1. Overall Policy Goal

The overall policy goal is the promotion of sustainable social and economic development through the sound management of the environment in the country.

2.2. Specific Policy Goals

The policy seeks to meet the following goals:

2.2.1 Secure for all persons resident in Malawi now and in the future an environment suitable for their health and well-being.

2.2.2 Promote efficient utilization and management of the country's natural resources and encourage, where appropriate, long term self-sufficiency in food, fuelwood and other energy requirements.

2.2.3 Facilitate the restoration, maintenance and enhancement of the ecosystems and ecological processes essential for the functioning of the biosphere and prudent use of renewable resources.

2.2.4 Enhance public awareness of the importance of sound environmental understanding of various environmental issues and participation in addressing them.

2.2.5 Promote co-operation with other Governments and relevant international/regional organizations, local communities, Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and the private sector in the management and protection of the environment.

2.3 Guiding Principles

Underlying these broad policy goals are certain key principles which will guide policy development and implementation strategies:

(a) Every person has a right to a clean and healthy environment and a duty to maintain and enhance the environment.

(b) Children should be sensitized in the environmental issues with a view to involve them in the conservation, protection and management of the environment as future custodians.

(c) Women should be closely involved in policy, program and project design and implementation to enhance their role in natural resource use and management activities.

(d) The use of renewable natural resources should be sustainable for the benefit of the present and future generations.

(e) Malawi's economy is highly dependent on natural resources. If these are depleted or degraded, long-term food security and sustainable economic growth will be seriously affected.

(f) The participation of the private sector, NGOs, and Community Based Organizations (CBOs), is critical to improved protection, conservation, management and sustainable utilization of Malawi's natural resources.

(g) Community-based management and revenue sharing from the sustainable utilization of natural resources on customary and public lands will be encouraged.

(h) Regulation will be complemented by social and economic incentives to influence behavior for individuals or organizations to invest in sustainable environmental management.

(i) Regular and accurate assessment, monitoring, and dissemination of information on environmental conditions will be assured.

(j) Tradeoffs between economic development and environmental degradation will be minimized through use of environmental impact assessment and natural resource monitoring.

(k) Rational and secure tenure over land and resources is a fundamental requirement for sustainable natural resource management.

(l) Some of Malawi's natural resources such as Lake Malawi, National Parks and Forest Reserves are very much affected by the activities of her neighbours and those of the region
at large. This calls for concerted efforts in preparation of policies and plans for their utilization, management and conservation to ensure sustainable regional development.

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