5.0 Sectoral Policy Objectives, Principles and Objectives
Agriculture and livestock
National parks and wildlife
Water resources
Industry and mining
Other sectors

5.1 Agriculture and Livestock


To promote environmentally sound agricultural development by ensuring sustainable crop and livestock production through ecologically appropriate production and management techniques, and appropriate legal and institutional framework for sustainable environmental management.

Guiding Principles:

(a) Increased agricultural production will be based on improved and appropriate farming systems and increased security of land tenure, on currently allocated land rather than on expansion of cropland.

(b) Agricultural policy and planning will involve local community and NGO participation at all levels.

(c) Agricultural policy and planning will be closely coordinated with land use, water, and natural resources policy and planning.

(d) Agricultural policy and planning should incorporate the environmental costs of soil erosion and loss of soil fertility.

(e) Watershed management activities will be accorded highest priority to conserve water, prevent further soil degradation and to improve soil fertility.

(f) To be effective, land husbandry and rehabilitation interventions have to be implemented on a catchment and community basis.

(g) Balance use of organic and inorganic fertilizers taking into consideration their contribution to soil fertility and budgetary requirements.

(h) Appropriate legislation is necessary for sustainable agricultural development.

Strategies: 5.1.1. Intensify production on most suitable lands to avoid expansion into marginal/fragile areas.

5.1.2. Integrate environmental awareness and education in community participatory agricultural extension and research programmes.

5.1.3. Train both research and extension staff on the participatory approach in environmental concerns.

5.1.4. Prevent or minimize the environmental impact of cultivation and other development on marginal lands (steep slopes, 'dambos', swamps and areas susceptible to flooding) through improved cultivation of agricultural production.

5.1.5. Review, evaluate, and develop agricultural policies, legislative and institutional framework on a regular basis for the purpose of incorporating environmental concerns.

5.1.6. Review and enact legislation to protect environmentally fragile areas from agricultural encroachment.

5.1.7. Embark on intensive education/extension and mass awareness programmes and promote community participation in soil conservation measures and integrated landuse systems.

5.1.8. Promote research into appropriate and sustainable soil and water conservation techniques.

5.1.9.Promote proper animal husbandry practices to avoid overgrazing, soil erosion, loss of soil fertility, air, land and water pollution, loss of biodiversity and overall environmental degradation.

5.1.10. Promote community participation in environmental conservation programmes, including communal catchment protection and conservation.

5.1.11. Ensure that trade policies on agricultural commodities and inputs encourage environmentally sound production systems.

5.1.12. Review and implement the Pesticide and Disease Control Act.

5.1.13. Promote conservation-oriented farming practices.

5.1.14. Introduce area-specific technologies including fertilizers, seed varieties and conservation.

5.2 Forestry


To manage forestry resources endowment in a sustainable manner to maximize benefits to the nation. Guiding Principles: (a) Deforestation is an important contributing factor to soil erosion, siltation of lakes, rivers, dams and other water bodies, loss of biodiversity and climate change.

(b) The involvement of the private sector, NGOs and local communities in forestry is critical to improved management, conservation and sustainable utilization.

( c) Promotion of private forestry shall be encouraged.

(d) Community-based participation in the management of Forest Reserves and forests on customary lands shall be promoted.

(e)Local communities that participate in the management of indigenous forest resources shall receive financial and other benefits from their sustainable utilization.

(f) Inventorying and monitoring should be an integral part of sustainable forestry management.

(g) Sustainable forest resource management and control of deforestation should best be enhanced on the basis of appropriate research, forestry development and extension.

(h)Appropriate legislation and regulations are essential to effective implementation of forest policy.

Strategies: 5.2.1.Provide an enabling framework for promoting the participation of local communities, NGOs and the private sector in forest conservation and management.   5.2.2.Establish appropriate incentives that will promote the effective contribution of Malawi's forest resources and on-farm trees to the alleviation of poverty, sustainable economic development and environmental protection.   5.2.3 Provide economic incentives and the necessary legal framework and technology to encourage and facilitate rural communities and woodfuel using sectors to be self-sufficient in fuelwood requirements. 5.2.4. Promote development and dissemination of agro-forestry practices.

5.2.5. Promote dissemination of indigenous knowledge about the medicinal and other properties of Malawi's indigenous forest resources and where possible assist in marketing such knowledge for the benefit of the custodians of the knowledge.

5.2.6. Introduce marketing and pricing policy reforms that provide industrial woodfuel users with incentives to invest in tree planting and woodland management.

5.2.7. Ensure the sustainable utilization of forest resources by practicing conservation in the use of forest products, improving specifically the efficiency of fuelwood conservation, recycling paper through incentives and regulations and

substituting fuelwood with alternatives such as paraffin, solar energy, biogas,

electricity and coal where feasible.

5.2.8. Promote and support the conservation and protection of forest ecosystems and the growing of trees by individual companies, estates, local communities and authorities, including the integration of forests and trees into farming systems, soil conservation activities and land-use systems.

5.2.9. Involve local communities in afforestation and rehabilitation of bare, fragile or erodible areas.

5.2.10. Assist communities to set up appropriate management institutions to control the use of forestry resources on customary land on a sustainable basis.

5.2.11. Promote forestry conservation measures for civil works, including minimal tree destruction when constructing roads, prohibiting encroachment of protected areas, and empowering chiefs to sanction tree felling in settlement areas.

5.2.12. Provide alternative income generating activities that will reduce pressure on forestry products.

5.2.13. Establish a forum where interested parties in forestry issues can share ideas.

5.2.14. Conduct well designed research programmes or adapt exogenous technologies to local conditions in order to generate usable technologies for the sustained management of planted and natural forest resources.

5.2.15. Revise and update the Forest Act in order to strengthen it in line with the forest policy and to promote participatory forest management and sustainable utilization of forest resources.

5.2.16. Continue the conservation and management of gazetted forestry reserves and prohibit encroachment into protected areas.

5.3 Fisheries


To manage fish resources for sustainable utilisation, reduction and conservation of aquatic biodiversity. Guiding Principles: (a) Efforts must be made to maximize the safe sustainable yield from the nation's fish stocks. Harvesting should be based on established sustainable yields of different species/stocks.

(b) The involvement of the private sector and local communities is critical to improved management, conservation and sustainable utilization of Malawi's fisheries resources.

(c) Opportunities to expand existing and develop new aquatic resources must be explored.

(d) The roles of law enforcement and extension should be kept separate.

(e) Inventorying and monitoring is an integral part of sustainable fisheries management.

(f) Access for all Malawians and local communities to beaches to conduct the fishing, fish processing and trading shall be guaranteed.

Strategies: 5.3.1. Contain over-exploitation and destruction of habitat through strengthened research efforts and adequate planning, controls and monitoring.

5.3.2. Promote aquaculture development as a means of raising farm incomes, increasing the supply of fresh fish, and decreasing pressure to capture fisheries.

5.3.3. Undertake a program of research to identify and quantify underutilized fish resources and to encourage the appropriate exploitation of such underutilized resources as are identified.

5.3.4. Promote inter-territorial co-operation in fisheries matters on all shared waters to minimize resource duplication and obviate any risk of over-exploitation.

5.3.5. Subject all proposed introduction of exotic species into water ecosystems to detailed ecological impact studies.

5.3.6. Prevent and reverse the process of catchment degradation in order to conserve rivers as breeding habitat for endemic fish.

5.3.7. Give local communities adequate responsibility for the management of fisheries resources and strengthen the local management capacity.

5.3.8.Accord greater attention to enforcement of fisheries laws and regulations, combined with a separate fisheries extension service which will collaborate with NGOs and other extension officers to promote community participation in fisheries resources management.

5.3.9. Halt use of non-sustainable fishing technology.

5.3.10. Enact a Fisheries Conservation and Management Act to provide the necessary legal framework for achieving the objectives and implementing the strategies outlined here.

5.3.11. Inventory all the species (taxonomy) that exist in the lakes and other waters of Malawi.

5.3.12. Prepare in collaboration with other ministries and local communities programme or enforcement of access to lake and contiguous beaches and riparian areas.

5.4 National Parks and Wildlife


To conserve and manage National Park, Wildlife Reserves and outside protected areas in such a way as to ensure their protection, sustainable utilization, and reduction of people/wildlife conflicts. Guiding Principles: (a) Local communities within and adjacent to National Parks and Wildlife Reserves shall be involved in their planning and management.

(b) There shall be a fair distribution of the benefits and revenue from sustainable utilization of National Parks and Wildlife Reserves resources between central government and local government and the local communities.

(c) Inventorying, research and monitoring is an integral part of sustainable wildlife use.

Strategies: 5.4.1. Undertake appropriate programmes of research and monitoring in relation not only to the protection and conservation but also the sustainable utilization of resources in ways that are socially and economically important and the minimization of the negative impacts of wildlife.

5.4.2. Manage, protect and conserve National Parks and Wildlife Reserves according to management plans.

5.4.3. Provide economic incentives and the necessary policy and legal framework to encourage the private sector to invest in revenue generating activities based on the sustainable utilization of National Park and Wildlife Reserves.

5.4.4. Increase benefits to local communities from National Parks and Wildlife Reserves by, as far as possible, involving local communities in their planning, management and administration, and by returning a certain percentage of revenues to local communities.

5.4.5Improve the law enforcement and extension capability of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife and increase the involvement of local communities in their management in order to contain poaching.

5.4.6. Establish strong cooperative links with counterpart Departments in the neighbouring states so as to better manage Malawi's National Parks and Wildlife Reserves that lie on international borders.

5.5 Water Resources


To manage and use water resources efficiently and effectively so as to promote its conservation and availability in sufficient quantity and acceptable quality. Guiding Principles: (a) All people should have access to clean potable water in order to reduce the incidence of water borne disease and reduce the time devoted by individuals to water collection.

(b)All programmes related to water should be implemented in such a manner that mitigates environmental degradation and at the same time promotes enjoyment of the asset by all beneficiaries.

(c) In planning and providing water supply services, consideration should be given to safe disposal of the resultant waste water.

((j) The development of strategies for the efficient allocation of water, for investment to create new assets to provide water services and for pricing all require a common approach to the value of water. It should be recognized that water has not only a social value, but also an economic value, both at the point of use, and at its source.

(e)The responsibility for water-borne sanitation should be integrated into the water sector.

(f) Maximum use should be made of market determined prices for water allocation.

(h) The involvement of stakeholders will become the normal procedure in the development of the sector. This will ensure maximum participation and a sense of ownership which will in turn contribute to the efficiency, sustainability and success of projects, as local stakeholders often have more detailed knowledge of the local areas which may not be available to the agencies implementing or financing the projects.

(i) The sustainable development of irrigation based on surface water resources via the construction of small dams and diversion of water in rivers is totally dependent on the improvement and stabilization of soil conservation and reforestation measures in the catchment areas serving these schemes.

(i) The precautionary approach to water quality management shall be pursued with a focus on pollution minimization and prevention.

Strategies: 5.5.1. Strengthen the Water Resources Board as a high level body responsible for the management of the water resources of the nation and constituting the prime source of policy advice to the Government on water resource management issues.

5.5.2. Develop an integrated approach that will guide the allocation of water, the allocation of investment and the pricing of water services. This will enable the achievement of maximum net benefit to Malawi from its water resources while recognizing both the social, environmental and economic value of water.

5.5.3. Promote and devise methods of harvesting rain water using low cost structures which can be easily managed and maintained by the smallholder farmers and villagers.

5.5.4 Promote the development of small-scale beneficiary managed irrigation schemes with an emphasis on efficient water management, while ensuring and maintaining environmental integrity.

5.5.5. Review existing information on wetlands and dambos and, where necessary, undertake further studies in order to develop guidelines for their proper utilisation.

5.5.6. Develop master plans for the conservation and utilisation of water resources including solid and liquid waste management on land and water bodies.

5.5.7. Complete a comprehensive national study of the potential dam sites on the numerous rivers of the country and combine the evaluation of suitable dam sites with catchment conservation. This will lead to the compilation of a master plan for the development of dams.

5.5.8. Rehabilitate catchment areas, boreholes and gravity-fed water supplies as a safeguard to reduce the impact of supply shocks from droughts.

5.5.9. Expedite implementation of the programme to contain/eradicate the water hyacinth.

5.5.10. Promote effective water pollution monitoring and prevention programmes based on enforceable water quality guidelines and standards.

5.5.11. Compile hydrological information required to determine sustainable surface and groundwater yields.

5.5.12. Promote efficient water use.

5.5.13. Train, encourage and empower local communities to assist in the maintenance of water points.

5.6 Energy


To meet national energy needs with increased efficiency and environmental sustainability. Guiding Principles: (a) Environmental externalities of all energy sources shall be identified and incorporated into policy design and project costing.

(b) Sustainable fuelwood production may not only be economically efficient, but can also make a contribution to the arrest of global warming.

(c) Dependence on imported oil shall be minimized.

(d) Safe and efficient use of local coal resources shall be encouraged.

(e) Alternative energy systems to fuelwood will be developed for both rural and urban communities in Malawi.

(f) The provision of infrastructure for rural electrification should be viewed as a social service since it can make a significant contribution to the arrest of deforestation and the improvement of the quality of rural life.

Strategies: 5.6.1. Strengthen the coordination of energy sector developments and improve the energy planning capability of those agencies involved in energy matters.

5.6.2. Promote energy saving and renewable energy technologies.

5.6.3. Promote the utilisation of thinnings from Viphya and other forests and more efficient technologies for the production of charcoal.

5.6.4. Explore means to make electricity more affordable and accessible in order to reduce the dependency on fuelwood.

5.6.5.Develop indigenous coal resources to the extent that this is economically viable and implement an oil exploration programme to be undertaken and financed by competent private companies with a full Environmental Impact Assessment and mitigation measures.

5.6.6. Encourage government and rural communities to work together in providing electricity infrastructure in order to ensure its affordability.

5.6.7. Amend the legislation that gives a monopoly on the supply of electricity in order to encourage competition.

5.6.8. Explore ways to increase the percentage of ethanol in petrol and the possibility of blending ethanol and paraffin in order to reduce dependency on non-renewable resources.

5.7 Industry and Mining


To ensure that industrial and mining activities conform to sustained natural resource

utilisation and protection of the environment.

Guiding Principles:

(a) Industrial and mining development need pollution control measures.

(b) Safe waste disposal is key to environment management in industrial and mining development.

(c) A safe and healthy operating environment is essential for industrial and mining production.

(d) Use of alternative, environmentally friendly and energy saving industrial and mining technologies enhances sustainable development.

Strategies: 5.7.1. Adopt industrial and mining policies that are consistent with proper management of natural resources and the environment.

5.7.2. Develop plans for development/construction of industrial and mining sites that have adequate and appropriate waste disposal.

5.7.3. Enact industrial and mining laws for prevention of environmental pollution and maintenance of ecological balance.

5.7.4. Encourage development of industries that are based on domestic raw materials and use of technology that is appropriate for the local environment.

5.7.5. Adopt product quality and standards that conform to environmental protection to enhance competitiveness in international markets.

5.7.6. Provide incentives to encourage the adoption of environmentally friendly technologies in industry and mining, incorporating energy saving, reduction of health hazards, pollution control and safe disposal of waste.

5.7.7. Prohibit imports of environmentally harmful substances.

5.7.8. Promote the use of concrete blocks in construction in order to decrease use of burnt bricks which require fuelwood.

5.7.9. Promote use of environmental guidelines and environmental impact assessment before industrial sites are developed and ensure application of a monitoring and auditing system for operating industries.

5.8 Tourism


To conserve and manage sustainably the nation's unique tourist attractions. Guiding Principles: (a) Protection of the environment is central to tourism in Malawi.

(b) Local communities should share in the management and revenues of Eco-Tourism in order to enhance environmental sustainability.

(c) National and local land use planning and tourism developments should ensure that aesthetic and scenic features of tourist sites are maximized.

(d) Tourism should facilitate maintenance of biodiversity and protection of cultural heritage.

(e) Health regulations have to be an integral part of sustainable tourism.

Strategies: 5.8.1. Develop plans for tourism management and promotion that address environmental sustainability.

5.8.2. Prepare and disseminate environmental guidelines, including EIA procedures for tourism development.

5.8 .3. Promote fair access to tourism market opportunities for all potential participants through encouragement of partnerships

5.8.4. Develop and implement a tourism training programme for all potential participants including local communities.

5.8.5. Monitor compliance with tourism laws and ensure that health regulations are strictly adhered to at all tourism sites.

5.8.6 Encourage tourism that protects, conserves and manages the environment and natural resources of the country in a sustainable manner.

5.9 Other Sectors


To ensure that all sectors of the economy optimise use of environmentally friendly technologies and undertake mitigation measures for adverse environmental impacts. Guiding Principles: (a) All sectors shall institute policies and programmes that support the overall policy goal of sustainable social and economic development through the sound management of the environment.

(b) Involve all stakeholders in planning and implementation of development programmes.

Strategies: 5.9.1. Promote transport and other infrastructure that is environmentally friendly through proper site selection, choice of technology, and the application of conservation measures along and within the infrastructure areas.

5.9.2. Encourage the use of less polluting technologies in all sectors.

5.9.3. Ensure periodic review of sectoral policy, legislation and training in order to support and improve environmental management.

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