FRIM Services Programme
This FRIM programme provides an increasingly important role with respect
to working environment and management of FRIM resources, as well as providing
the essential interface between research and technology transfer to stakeholders.
Library services
Access to relevant and up to-date information is essential for achievement
of a sound socio-economic development. FRIM Library is a focal point for
forestry science information in Malawi. Its mandate is to provide up to-date
and timely forestry information to forestry research scientists and the
public with interest in forestry and environmental sciences. FRIM subscribes
to about 25 forest science journals and receives several regular free publications.
There is no regular budget for the purchase of books, but largely depends
on donations from various donor agencies. FRIM is a beneficiary of the
African-Caribbean Literature Service which facilitates access to published
information for African and Caribbean research scientists. Through this
FRIM scientists are able to request for relevant articles from the search
profiles generated by CTA.
Considerable investment has been made in library facilities and training
in information retrieval. The following computerised databases are available:
CAB International TREE CD ROM database
ICRAF's Multipurpose Tree and Shrub database
CDS/ISIS database
These are frequently consulted by scientists, Forestry Department
staff, students andlecturers from the University of Malawi and the public
interested in any forestry or environmental data. The CDS/ISIS database
currently holds more than 100 bibliographic records of FRIM. The Library
is one of the input centres for the Agricultural Information Systems/Current
Agricultural Research Information System (AGRIS/CARIS) database on research
projects in grey literature form (unpublished) which is forwarded to FAO
in Rome. Other databases are kept in the various sections at FRIM. For
example the National Seed Centre now keeps a SISTEM+ database for business
management purposes.
Information documentation and dissemination
Information documentation and distribution through extension and technology
transfer plays a crucial role in promoting the application of research
recommendations generated by research institutions. At FRIM, this programme
emphasises the need for a close interactive relationship between research
scientists and end-users in research and dissemination processes of the
technologies. A variety of dissemination channels are used:
FRIM Reports and Records,
journal articles,
field days and
radio items.
List of FRIM Research Records appears in the National Gazette and FRIM
reports are bound into annual series to facilitate easy access.
National Tree Seed Centre
The National Tree Seed Centre (NTSC) is responsible for supplying improved
tree seed of various species for all types of tree planting activities
in Malawi. Seed is collected from selected single trees, seed orchards
or seed stands. Modern equipment and facilities for seed handling, storage
and testing in accordance with ISTA regulations are available. The SISTEM+
database has been introduced and is an excellent tool for management of
the NTSC as a business entity. An annual seed catalogue is produced for
free distribution to customers. The NTSC conducts national and international
courses in seed aspects as well as the management of the SYTEM+ database.
Laboratory services
Laboratory services provide an efficient level of service and support for
the analytical requirements of all the research programmes at FRIM. In
addition, analytical services are provided to collaborating institutions
and other patrons on a cost recoverable basis. The following major services
are provided:
soil and foliar analyses,
biomass and density determinations,
disease and pest identification,
seed testing,
phytosanitory services and
issuing of plant collection permits (for research purposes only).
An insect museum is also available for examination of specimens
as may be required.
Consultancy services
FRIM has enormous expertise and facilities to undertake consultancies in
a wide range of aspects pertaining to natural resource management. The
Institute has particular strength in:
community-based management of natural resources;
common property resource management;
collaborative forest management;
rural development forestry;
quantification and utilization of forest resources (including non-timber
forest products);
forest resource management (plantations and natural woodlands);
land and site classification for forestry purposes,
forest pest and disease management.
Both short term and long term consultancy assignments are undertaken at
competitive market rates.Contact The
Chief Forestry Research Officer with address on the FRIM
page for more details.
Training opportunities
FRIM offers several short courses in all forestry aspects as may be required
by clients. The courses have been a useful channel for disseminating research
results and findings by other actors in forestry development. Short courses
are offered in the following aspects:
Collection, handling and storage of tree seed,
Tree nursery management,
Plantation and woodlot management,
Management of indigenous woodlands,
Social forestry.
The courses are offered at all levels up to the grassroots. Contact The
Chief Forestry Research Officer with address on the FRIM
for more details.