219 OF 2002
William Bvumbwe, Applicant
Ngalauka, Court Clerk
interim relief-
This is a
motion for urgent interim relief filed by the applicant under Rule 16 of the
of facts
The applicant
relied on a memorandum from the respondents dated
During hearing
it transpired without dispute that every year in March, INDETRUST produced and
disseminated notifications on the state of pension benefits to all members of
pension scheme at Banja La Mtsogolo. It was therefore not out of the ordinary
that the applicant received this notification at this particular time of the
year. It also transpired that the applicant would ordinarily have received that
amount if he were retiring during that particular period.
The applicant contended that the respondents had put
in him a reasonable expectation that in March 2001 he would get K166, 014. 78.
However, apart from the memorandum of November 2000 there was no evidence to
sustain that expectation. The memorandum itself was vague and inclusive because
it refers to previous indications, which were not known to the applicant. It also
refers to future communication, which did not occur. The applicant did not seek
further clarification from the respondents after receiving this memorandum
until his services were terminated. At the termination of his employment he
received Ninety Thousand Three Hundred Eighty- Five Kwacha and fifty tambala
(K90, 385.50) only.
The respondents explained that this amount reflected
the applicants own contribution plus the employers contribution and interest
also referred to as bonus. The calculation was in conformity with the Special
Rules of the pension scheme. The applicant got part of the interest/bonus while
the other part remained in the fund to be distributed to remaining members of
the scheme in the next pension scheme year. The respondents explained that the
applicant would have received the full bonus/ interest if he were retiring at
that time.
Pension scheme
formed part of the employment contract. If an employee does not agree with
terms and rules governing the scheme he must either negotiate or withdraw or
decline from joining that scheme. Consequently, an employee is obliged to find
out terms and rules governing his pension scheme. The court will not add or
substitute terms or conditions of an employment contract to suit the needs of
any party.
The court finds the claim baseless. There was
neither a promise that the applicant would get K166, 014.78 in March 2001 nor
was there a contractual obligation on the part of the respondents to pay the
applicant the money claimed. I accordingly dismiss the motion in its entirety.
21st day of November 2002 at LIMBE.
R. Zibelu
Banda (Ms.)