Malawians aspire for all members of all households to have access to adequate and safe food at all times of the year to meet their nutritional requirements.
To achieve this aspiration, the following strategic issues will have to be addressed: increasing food production; developing irrigation; developing the livestock sub-sector; improving efficiency of markets; reducing post harvest losses; improving disaster management; improving land utilization and management; economically empowering vulnerable groups; promoting non-farm income generating activities; and improving nutrition status of the people.
6.2.1 Increasing Food Crop Production Strategic Challenge
The main problem is that there is emphasis on maize as the staple food.
Consequently, 75% of smallholder land has been allocated to maize production.
In addition, yields are low owing partly to the fact that a small proportion
of farmers use fertilizer. There has been lack of enterprise diversification
due to dependence on maize. Research and extension has not been effective
in generating the technology to maintain food security and in encouraging
diversification of agricultural production.
The challenge to increasing food production is to ensure that average yields are increased and crop and enterprise diversification are enhanced to reduce dependence on maize. Strategic Options
Strategic options to address the issue of increasing food crop production
and productivity include: Strategic Challenge
There is low Per Capita consumption of animal protein in Malawi with
negative nutrition consequences. For example, in 1990 per capita consumption
of animal protein was estimated at 6.3kg, which is less than 12.5 kg average
for Africa. The livestock sub-sector has not received adequate attention
in the past despite the fact that it has enormous potential for contributing
to food security, nutrition and incomes.
The challenge is to develop the livestock sub-sector so that it makes the nation self-sufficient in animal products and export profitably any surplus that may arise. Strategic Options
Strategic options to developing the livestock sub-sector include: Strategic Challenge
Agricultural production and productivity can be increased through use
of irrigation. Irrigation has received low priority in the past despite
the fact that irrigation can significantly contribute to the development
of this country by stabilizing production in times of drought, and promoting
diversification into high value crops.
The challenge is to extend and improve irrigation so as to stabilize production in times of drought, promoting diversification into high value crops and facilitate crop intensification so as to increase agricultural productivity. Strategic Options
Strategic options to address the issue of developing irrigation include: Strategic Challenge
The country's market information system is under-developed. There is
also lack of packaging technology, which could improve product presentation,
inefficient use of land, and underdeveloped financial markets to serve
the majority of farmers.
The challenge is how to develop an efficient agricultural market system where farmers and traders make informed decisions based on market signals. Strategic options
The strategic options to address the issue of efficiency of markets
include: Strategic Challenge
Increasing pressure on land due to population increases and poor soil
conservation has contributed to degradation of a large proportion of land.
The challenge is to ensure that degraded land is rehabilitated in order to restore its productivity. Strategic Options
Strategic options include: Strategic Challenge
Post-harvest loss is one of the major factors lowering final availability
of farm produce. The losses occur in the stages of transportation, storage,
processing and preservation. The losses compromise food security.
In the 1995/96 season, Malawi's post harvest losses for major food crops (maize, rice, pulses, groundnuts and sweet potatoes) were estimated at between 5 and 25 percent.
The strategic challenge is to develop clear policy and programmes on post harvest technology in order to reduce losses to less than 5%. Strategic Options
The strategic options available for reducing post harvest losses include: Strategic Challenge
Malawi does not have a national disaster plan that can serve as a basis
for mitigation and responding to disasters.
The challenge is for Malawi to mitigate and manage disasters effectively in order to ensure national food security and nutrition. Strategic Options
The strategic options to improve disaster management include: Strategic Challenge
In Malawi, diets are bulky and monotonous. Meals consist of "nsima"
made from maize or cassava flour taken together with cooked vegetable dishes.
The result is a high level of chronic under nutrition and micronutrient
The challenge is to ensure that the majority of Malawians have access to the necessary energy, proteins and micro-nutrients needed for active healthy life. Strategic Options
The strategic options to improve nutritional status are:
6.2.9 1 Strategic Challenge
Food security is partly linked with the incomes of people. Thus, efforts
to increase the rural non-farm incomes will have a positive effect on food
security and nutrition.
The challenge is therefore to raise people's incomes to such a level that they can afford to purchase enough food at all times. Strategic Options
Options for increasing the incomes of the masses include: Strategic
The conventional top-down approach to implementation of agricultural
programmes often neglected certain sections of the community and failed
to reach the targeted poor members of the society. As a result, there is
significant proportion of resource poor smallholders, especially female-headed
households, that do not benefit from the various programmes.
The challenge is to design programmes that will address the majority of resource poor households. Strategic Options
Options include: Strategic
The formulation and implementation of policies should be carefully
analyzed to understand their implications. At macro-level, policies need
to be analyzed in terms of their impact on food security and nutrition,
agriculture and natural resources to see whether goals and objectives are
being achieved.
The strategic challenge to improving policy analysis is to deploy adequate human resources to do the analysis, and cultivate respect for use of professional analysis of agriculture issues. Strategic Options
The strategic options for improving policy analysis include: