MALAWI: COMPANSATION ACT, 2000                                                     MALAWI SDNP
14. (1) In addition to any compensation payable under this Act, the employer 
            shall be liable to defray the reasonable medical expenses incurred by 
            a worker within Malawi, or, with the advice of  the Secretary for 
            Health and the approval of the Board, outside Malawi as a result of 
            an injury which would entitle the worker to compensation under this 
            Act, not exceeding such amount as may be prescribed by the Board 
             in consultation with the Secretary for Health- 

            (a)  in respect of medical, surgical, dental and hospital treatment, 
                  skilled  nursing services and the supply of medicines; 

            (b)  in respect of the supply, fitting, maintenance, repair and normal 
                   renewal of any artificial appliance, limb, apparatus or 
                   mechanical aid; 

             (c)  in respect of reasonable transport charges incurred in transporting 
                   the worker to and from a place where facilities for examination 
                   and treatment or assessment are available, if travel to such 
                   place is certified to be necessary by the medical practitioner in 
                   charge of the case. 

       (2) In determining any dispute in respect of compensation or upon the 
             application of any interested person, the Board may order the 
             payment of any of the expense referred to in subsection (1) to the 
             person entitled to receive it, and if such expenses exceed the 
             amount prescribed under that subsection the Board may apportion 
             the amount available in such manner as he considers expedient. 

        (3) In case of an employer covered by section 5, any expenses  which 
              he incurs under subsection (1) shall be refunded to him by the Board 
              out of the Fund.