6. KAKHONGWE, PAUL. Women in Malawi: an annotated bibliography /Paul
Kakhongwe. - Zomba: Centre for Social Research, University of Malawi, [1992]. V, 140
leaves; 30 cm. 1. Women - Malawi - Bibliography
7. MALAWI. MINISTRY OF HEALTH. A select bibliography of health information in Malawi,
1980- 1991. - Lilongwe: Ministry of Health, Research Unit,-1992. - ix, 99 p.; 30 cm. 1.
Medical Care - Malawi - Bibliography
8. MALAWI BUREAU OF STANDARDS. Catalogue of Malawi standards, 1993 Malawi Bureau of
Standards. - Blantyre: The Bureau, 1993. - 43 p.; 30 cm. 1. Standardization - Malawi -
9. MSISKA, AUGUSTINE W. C. An annotated bibliography of materials available in major
Christian libraries of Malawi/Augustine, W. C. Msiska with the assistance of J.B. Chalera
and J. C. Khando. - Zomba: Chancellor College Library, 1995. - 332 leaves; 29 cm. -
(University of Malawi Library Publications, No. 9) 1. Christianity - Africa - Bibliography
10. MSISKA, AUGUSTINE W. C. An annotated bibliography of theses and dissertations held
by Chancellor College Library, University of Malawi as at May, 1992 / compiled by
Augustine W. C. Msiska. - Zomba: Chancellor College Library, 1992. - 113 p.; 30 cm. -
(University of Malawi Publications No. 8) 1. Dissertations - Academic - Malawi
11. NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF MALAWI.- LIBRARY. Malawi National Bibliography: List of
Publications deposited in the library of the National Archives, 1984 - 1990. - National
Archives of Malawi, 1994. - v, 114 p.; 21 cm. K50.00 1. Malawi - Imprints
12. UNIVERSITY OF MALAWI. CENTRE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH. Documentation unit catalogue /
Centre for Social Research, University of Malawi. - Zomba: The Centre. 1991. - 330 p.; 30
cm. 1. Library Catalogue