54. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Amayi Maria a ku Lourdes Parish: Mbiri ya
Namwera Catholic Parish. - Balaka: Montfort Missionaries, 1989. - 54 p.; 22 cm. Silver
Jubilee, 1964 - 1989 1. Catholic Church in Malawi - History - Namwera Parish
55. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Our lady of Victories Parish: Mbiri ya Namwera Catholic Parish. -
Balaka: Montfort Missionaries, 1987. - 60 [44] p.; 22 cm. - Namwera Parish Golden Jubilee,
1937 - 1987 1. Catholic Church in Malawi - History
56. CATHOLIC CHURCH. National Catechetical Committee. Kukula ndi Chichristu. - 4th ed.
- Lilongwe: Likuni Press and Publishing House, 1994. - 107 p.; 18 cm. 1. Christian
Education of Children
57. CATHOLIC CHURCH. National Catechetical Committee. Tiyeni tikalandire. 5th ed. -
Lilongwe: Catholic Secretariat of Malawi, Pastoral Department, 1994. - 64 p.; 18 cm 1.
Catholic Church - Liturgy
58. CHITSIME - B: Dongosolo la msonkhano wa mapemphero pa tsiku la mulungu ndi pa
masiku oyera. - 2nd ed. - Lilongwe: Likuni Press and Publishing House, 1994. - viii, 431
p.; 21 cm. 1. Devotional Calendars - Catholic Church
59. CHITSIME - C: Dongosolo la msonkhano wa mapemphero pa tsiku la mulungu ndi pa
masiku ena oyera. - 3rd ed.- Lilongwe: Likuni Press and Publishing House, 1995. - viii,
441 p.; 21 cm 1. Devotional Calendars - Catholic Church
(m'Chitumbuka) / Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, Synod of Livingstonia. - Limbe:
Printed by Assemblies of God Literature Centre Press, c1992. - 264 p 18 cm 1. Hymns -
Tumbuka 2. C.C.A.P. Livingstonia Synod - Hymns
61. DOSS,GORDEN R. Christian marriage / Gorden R. Doss and Brown Doss. - Makwasa:
Malamulo Publishing House, 1994. - 143 p.; 21 cm. - (Christian Family Series) 1. Marriage
- Religious Aspects - Christianity
62. FADY, JOS. Kodi chidakwa chikweza dziko? / Jos Fady. - 7th ed. - Lilongwe: Likuni
Press and Publishing House, 1993 1. Alcoholism - Religious Aspects
63. FADY, JOS. Kodi Mulungu amamvera mapemphero athu? / wolemba Jos Fady. - 4th ed. -
Lilongwe: Likuni Press and Publishing House, 1994. - 42 p.; 18 cm 1. Prayer - Christianity
64. KING, ELSPETH. Christian love and marriage / Elspeth King. - Blantyre: The Author,
1991. - 36 p.; 21 cm 1. Love - Religious Aspects - Christianity
65. MALIRO nkulirana. - 3rd ed. - Lilongwe: Likuni Press publishing House, 1994.-63p.;
17cm. 1. Church Work with the Bereaved 66. MISA ya ana. - Limbe: Popular Publications,
c1987. - 74 p.: 18 cm.Translated from "People's Mass Book". - Collin Liturgical
Publications 1. Children's Mass