1. AGRO - INDUSTRIAL opportunities in
Malawi: how to start your own small business. - Limbe: Printed by Montfort Press, 1990. -
viii, 162 p.; 30 cm. - (M,alawi / USAID Rural Enterprise and development Institution
Project; Vol. 2) 1. Agricultural Industries- Malawi -Handbooks, Manuals
92. BANDA, ALEKE K. Budget statement, 1995 delivered in the
National Assembly, Zomba, Malawi / by Hon. A. K. Banda ... / Lilongwe: Ministry of
Finance, 1995. /. - 85 leaves; 29 cm. 1. Financial Statements - Malawi
93. BORROWING money: a guide for estate owners and managers
to plan ning for credit. - Lilongwe: Estate Extension Service Trust, 1993. - 10, 3 p.; 30
cm. - (Farm Management, No. 2) 1. Agricultural Credit - Malawi
94. CHIMANGO, LOUIS, J. Budget statement, 1992, delivered
in the National Assembly, Zomba, Malawi / by Hon. Louis J. Chimango , Zomba: Clerk of
Parliament, 1992. - 38 leaves, 30 cm. + supplement: Highlights of the 1992 Budgets
statement 1. Financial Statements- Malawi
95. CHIRWA, EPHRAIM W. Smallholder agricultural repayment
crisis: summary of findings of the repayment study: workshop proceedings report / prepared
by Ephraim W. Chirwa. - Zomba University of Malawi, Centre for Social Research, 1994.43
p.; 30 cm. 1. Agricultural Credit- Malawi
96. COMMERCIAL BANK OF MALAWI. Chairman's report and
accounts for the year ended 31 st December ... / Commercial Bank of Malawi. - Blantyre:
The Bank, 1991 and 1994 .- 32 p.; 30 cm 1. Banks and Banking - Malawi
report and accounts 1990 / Investment and Development Bank of Malawi Ltd., - Blantyre: The
Bank, 1991.-35p.;29cm. 1. Investment - Malawi
98. MALAWI. Annual economic survey 1983 - 1986/ Malawi
Government. - Zomba: National Statistical Office, 1992. - iv, 62 p.; 30 cm. 1. Malawi -
Economic Conditions
99. MALAWI. Annual income tax tables / Malawi Government.
Blantyre: Department of taxes, 1992. - 65 p.; 21 x 30 cm. 1. Income Tax - Malawi -
100. MALAWI. Annual survey of agriculture, 1982183 -
1984/85 / Malawi. - Government. -Zomba: National Statistical Office, 1992. - vi, 146 p.;
30 cm 1. Agriculture - Malawi
101. MALAWI. Budget and performance report on Treasury
funds / Malawi Government. - Zomba: Government Printer,1991 / 92. - 1991. - xlii, 113 p.;
30 cm. 1992/93. - 1992. - xiii, 120 p.; 30 cm. 1993/94. - 1993. - xiii, 113 p.; 30 cm.
1994/95. - 1994. - xlli, 115 p.; 30 cm. 1. Finance, Public - Malawi - Accounting 2. Malawi
- Appropriation and Expenditures - Forecasting
102. MALAWI. Department of Information. Kamuzu and the
cock: the Ngwazi and Malawi a success story of development and prosperity. - Blantyre:
Department of Information, 1992. - 45p.;21 cm 1. Malawi - Economic Conditions
103. MALAWI. Estimate of expenditure on development account
for the financial year 1991/92 as laid before Parliament on 22nd March, 1991 / Malawi
Government. - Zomba: Government Printer. - 1991 / 92. - 227 p.; 30 cm - 1992 /93. - 234
p.; 30 cm. (Budget Document No. 2) 1. Malawi - Appropriations and Expenditures -
104. MALAWI. Estimates on recurrent account for the
financial year 1995/96 as laid before Parliament on 24th March 1995 / Malawi Government. -
Zomba: Government Printer, 1995. - 514 p.; 30 cm. - (Budget Document No 1) 1. Malawi -
Appropriations and Expenditure - Forecasting 2. Finance, Public- Malawi
105. MALAWI. Estimates of expenditure on revenue account
for the financial year 1991 / 92 as laid before Parliament on 22nd March, 1991 / Malawi
Government. - Zomba: Government Printer. - 1991 /92. - 405 p.; 29 cm. - 1992 / 93. - 465
p.; 30 cm (budget Document No. 1) . 1. Malawi - Appropriations and Expenditures -
106. MALAWI. Financial statement... / Malawi Government. -
Zomba: Government Printer, (Budget Document No. 3) 1991 /92. - 42 p.; 30 cm. 1992/93. - 41
p.; 30 cm. 1994/95. - 44 p.; 30 cm 1. Financial Statements - Malawi
107. MALAWI. Ministry of Economic Planning and Development.
Economic report / Malawi Government, Ministry of Economic Planning. - Zomba: Government
Printer, 1995. - iv, 106 p.; 25 cm. - (Budget Document No. 4) 1. Malawi - Economic
108. MALAWI. Ministry of economic planning and
development. Policy frame-work for poverty alleviation programme / Ministry of Economic
Planning and Developrr~ent. - Economic report 1991 / O. C. Department of Economic Planning
and Development. - Zomba: Government Printer, - viii, 95 p.; 24 cm.- 112 p.; 25 cm 112 -
vi. 75 p.; 30 cm (Budget Document No. 4) 1. Malawi - Economic Conditions
109. MALAWI. National accounts report, 19980 - 1986/
Malawi. Zomba: National Statistical Office, 1991 - iii, 27 p.; 30 cm. 1. Finance, Public -
110. MALAWI. Parliament. Public Accounts Committee. The
Second report of the Public Accounts Committee to the National Assembly ... 27th March -
11th May, 1995. - Zomba Clerk of Parliament, 1995 - 2 vole.; 30 cm 1. Finance, Public -
Malawi - Accounting
111. MALAWI. Weekly and monthly tables and instructions for
their use / Malawi Government. - Blantyre: Department of Taxes 1992. - 36 p. 21 x 30 cm.
1. Income Tax - Malawi - Deductions
112. MALAWI. Business directory, January - December, 1995.
- Blantyre: Malawi Post and Telecommunication Corporation, 1995. - 176 p.; 28 cm. 1.
Malawi - Commerce - Directories
Malawi Development Corporation . - Blantyre: The Corporation, 1994. - 47 p.; 30 cm 1.
Malawi - Economic Conditions
114. MALAWI Entrepreneur's handbook a small business
reference manual. - Limbe: Printed by Monffort Press, 1990. - 176 p.; 28 cm 1. Small
Business- Malawi
115. MSUKWA, LOUIS A. H. Food policy and production:
towards increased food security / prepared by Louis H. Msukwa. - Zomba: Centre for Social
Research, 1994. - viii, 48 p.; 30 cm 1. Nutrition Policy - Malawi
116. NATIONAL BANK OF MALAWI. Annual report and accounts,
1995 / National Bank of Malawi. - Blantyre: The Bank, 1996. - 44 p.; 29 cm 1. Banks and
Banking - Malawi
117. NATIONAL BANK OF MALAWI. Malawi economic brief, 1992 /
National Bank of Malawi. - Blantyre: 1992. - 26 p.; 30 cm. 1. Banks and Banking - Malawi
118. NATIONAL BANK OF MALAWI. Report and accounts 1991 /
National Bank of Malawi. - Blantyre: The Bank, 1992. - 26 p.; 30 cm 1. Banks and Banking -
119. NATIONAL BANK OF MALAWI. Report and accounts, 1994/
National Bank of Malawi. - Blantyre: The Bank, 1995. - 44 p.; 30 cm. 1. Banks and Banking
- Malawi
120. PRESS CORPORATION LIMITED. Press in the 90's:
questions and answers / Blantyre: The Corporation, [1994]. - 16 p.; 30 cm. 1. Corporations
- Malawi 2. Malawi - Economic Conditions
121. RESERVE BANK OF MALAWI. Report and accounts for the
year ended 31st December, 1991 / Reserve Bank of Malawi. - Blantyre: The Bank, 1992. - 65
p.; 25 cm 1. Banks and Banking - Malawi
122. RESERVE BANK OF MALAWI. Reports and accounts for the
year ended 31 stDecember, 1994 / Reserve Bank of Malawi. - Blantyre: The Bank, 1995. - 70
p.; 25 cm 1. Banks and Banking - Malawi
123. SMALLHOLDER repayment study: report. - Zomba: Centre
for Social Research, University of Malawi, 1994 No. 1.: Mzuzu ADD / prepared by Wycliffe
Chilowa.- vi, 59p.; 30 cm No. 2.: Kasungu ADD / prepared by Flora Nankhuni.- vi, 42 p.; 30
cm No. 3.: Lilongwe ADD / prepared by Antony D. G. Mawaya. - vi, 56 p.; 30 cm 1.
Agricultural Credit- Malawi
PROGRAMME IN MALAWI (1990) Mangochi. Report of the workshop on the effects of the
structural adjustment programme in Malawi ... / edited by Gillian Roe. - Zomba: Centre for
Social Research, ~1991. - Vol. 1. Summary of presentations, discussions and
recommendations. - vi, 28 p.; 30 cm Vol. ll. Papers presented. - vii, 168p.;30 cm. 1.
Malawi - Economic Conditions