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360 Social Services: Associations

130. BANDA, ELLIAS E. NGALANDE. Environmental impact assessment for the proposed Third Lilongwe Water Supply Project / prepared by Ellias E. Ngalande Banda. - Zomba: University of Malawi, Centre for Social Research, 1994, - x, 41 leaves; 30 cm. 1. Lilongwe - Water Supply - Environmental Aspects

131. BLANTYRE WATER BOARD. Annual report and statement of accounts for the year ended 31st March.../ Blantyre Water Board. - Blantyre: The Board - 24 p.; 26 cm. - 25 p.; 26 cm. - 27 p.; 26 cm. 1. Water Supply - Malawi

132. CHESHIRE HOMES (MALAWI). Annual report for the year ended 31st December, 1993 / Cheshire Homes (Malawi). - Blantyre: Cheshire Homes, 1994. - 32 p.; 21 cm. 1. Charities - Malawi

133. CHRISTIAN SERVICE COMMITTEE OF THE CHURCHES IN MALAWI. 1992 Annual report / Christian Service Committee of the Churches in Malawi. - Limbe: The Committee, 1993. - [28 p.; 21 cm] 1. Charities - Malawi

134. CHRISTIAN SERVICE COMMITTEE OF THE CHURCHES IN MALAWI. 1993/94 Annual report, / Christian Service Committee of the Churches in Malawi. - Limbe: Printed by Montfort Press, 1995. - 29 p. 21 cm. 1. Charities - Malawi

135. COUNCIL FOR NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS IN MALAWI. Directory of non-governmental organisations in Malawi. - Blantyre: CONGOMA, 1994. - 73 leaves, 30 cm. 1. Non Governmental Organizations - Malawi

136. ELECTRICITY SUPPLY COMMISSION OF MALAWI. Twenty-sixth annual report and statement of accounts for the year ended 31st March, 1991 / ESCOM. - Blantyre: The Commission, 1991. - 42 p.; 30 cm. 1. Electric Utilities - Malawi

137. ELECTRICITY SUPPLY COMMISSION OF MALAWI. Twenty-ninth annual report and statement of accounts for the year ended 31st March, 1994 / ESCOM. - Blantyre: The Commission, 1995. - 44 p.; 30 cm. 1. Electric Utilities - Malawi

138. HYDE, KARIN A. L. Malawi Against Polio progra,mme evaluation: final report / Karin A. Hyde. - Zomba: Centre for Social Research, 1992. - iv, 7667 p.; 30 cm. 1. Malawi Against Polio - Charities

139. McAULLIFE, EILISH. An evaluation of UNICEF Social Mobilization Programme in the Southern Region of Malawi: final report / Eilish McAullife. - Zomba: University of Malawi, Centre for Social Research, 1994. - ix, 58 p.; 16, 20, 17 leaves; 30 cm. 1. Social Participation - Malawi

140. MALAWI. Situation analysis of poverty. - Lilongwe: United Nations in Malawi: Government of Malawi, 1993. - xxli, 209 p.; 30 cm. 1. Poor- Malawi 2. Malawi - Economic Conditions 3. Malawi - Social Conditions

141. MALAWI. BOARD OF CENSORS. Annual report by the chairman of the Board of Censors, 1 st April, 1991 to 31 st April, 1992 / Malawi Government. - Limbe: Censorship Board, 1992, 10 p.; 26 cm. 1. Censorship - Malawi

142. MALAWI. National programme of action for the survival, protection and development of children in the 1990's / Government of Malawi. - Lilongwe: UNICEF, 1991. - vi, 39 p.; 29 cm. 1. Child Welfare - Malawi

143. MALAWI. National youth policy / Republic of Malawi. - Lilongwe: Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture, 1995. - 16 p.; 21 cm. 1. Youth - Malawi

144. MALAWI COUNCIL FOR THE HANDICAPPED. Annual report and accounts for the year ended 31st March 1990/ Malawi Council for the Handicapped. - Limbe: The Council, 1991. - 60 p.; 30 cm. 1. Malawi Council for the Handicapped - Charities

145. MONTFORT MISSIONARIES. Ziphuphu zimakuonongani inu ndi mtundu wonse / Montfort Missionaries. - Balaka: The Missionaries, 1995. - 27 p.; 21 cm. 1. Bribery and Corruption - Malawi

146. ROE, GILLIAN. Low income household in Zomba: results from a baseline survey / Gillian Roe. - Zomba: Centre for Social Research, University of Malawi, 1992. - xiv,147 p.; 29 cm. 1. Poor - Malawi

147. ROE, GILLIAN. The plight of the urban poor in Malawi: results from a baseline survey / Gillian Roe. - Zomba: Centre for Social Research, University of Malawi, 1992. - xiv,156 p.; 29 cm. 1. Poor- Malawi

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