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370 Education

148. CHRISTIAN LITERARY ASSOCIATES. Kufika kwa kuwala: buku loyamba kuphunzitsira anthu akulu kuwerenga / prepared by Christian Literary Associates in cooperation with Church of Central African Presbyterian, Synod of Blantyre. - Printed by Assemblies of God Literature Centre Press, 1 vol.; 30 cm. 1. Elementary Education of Adults

149. HAUYA, Roy J. R. Primary school education in Malawi: the question of curriculum / Roy J.R. Hauya. - Domasi: Malawi Institute of Education, 1993. - 151 p.; 24 cm. 1. Education, Primary - Malawi - Curricula

150. HAUYA, Roy J. R. Training for effective teaching: a review of the strategies / Roy J. R. Hauya. - Domasi: Malawi Institute of Education, 1992. - 91 p.; 26 cm. 1. Teachers, Training of

151. HYDE, KARIN. Barrier to equality of educational opportunity in mixed secondary schools in Malawi / Karin Hyde. - Zomba: University of Malawi, Centre for Social Research, 1994. - 28 leaves; 30 cm. 1. Educational Equalization - Malawi

152. HYDE, KARIN. Girl's Attainment in Basic Literacy and Education Project: knowledge, attitudes and practices pilot survey: final report / Karin Hyde, Esme E. Kadzamira. - Zomba: University of Malawi, Centre for Social Research, 1994. - 45 leaves; 30 cm. 1. Women Education - Malawi

153. HYDE, KARIN. Instructional and institutional barriers to girl's achievement in secondary schools in Malawi: a preliminary survey results / Karin Hyde. - Zomba: University of Malawi, Centre for Social Research, 1993. - v, 48 leaves; 30 cm. 1. Women Education - Malawi

154. MABASA, H.J. Chlyambi cha chigayo / wolemba H. J. Mabasa. - Lilongwe: National Library Service, The Book Development Department, 1996. - 15 p.; 21 cm. - (Werengani Series) 1. Elementary Education for Adults

155. MALAWI. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE. Malawi Primary School Syllabus / Ministry of Education and Culture. - Domasi: Malawi Institute of Education, 1991 Chichewa: Standard 1 - 8, v, 144 p.; 29 cm.
Creative Arts: Standard 1 - 8, v 126 p.; 29 cm.
General Studies: Standard 1 - 4, v, 75 p.; 29 cm.
Music: Standard 1 - 8, vi, 113 p.; 29 cm.
Needlecraft and Home Economics: Standard 3 - 8, x, 135p.;28 cm.
Physical Education: Standard 1 - 8, vi, 161 p.; 29 cm.
Primary Mathematics: Standard 1 - 8, v, 188 p.; 28 cm.
Religious Education: Standard 1 - 8, xvii, 257 p.; 29 cm
Science and Health Education: Standard 5 - 8, x, 123 p.; 29 cm.
Social Studies: Standard 5 - 8, viii, 82 p.; 29 cm. 1. Education, Primary- Malawi - Curricula

156. PHWEZI FOUNDATION FOR EDUCATION, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT. Annual report / Phwezi Foundation for Education, Training and Development. - Rumphi: The Foundation, 1992. - 24 p.; 30 cm. 1. Private Schools - Malawi

157. PHYSICAL education: teacher's guide for standard 3. - Domasi: Malawi Institute of Education, 1992. - ix, 47 p.; 21 cm. - (Malawi Primary Education) 1. Physical Education and Training

158. UNIVERSITY OF MALAWI/COUNCIL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH IN AFRICA. NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON "ACADEMIC FREEDOM IN MALAWI" (Mangochi, Malawi: 1994). Conference report: National Conference on "Academic Freedom in Malawi"... / University of Malawi in collaboration with Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa; compiled by A. J. M. Nazombe. - University of Malawi, 1995. - iv, 104 leaves; 29 cm. 1. Academic Freedom - Malawi

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