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Setting Up Internet Explorer to Use a Web Cache  Malawi SDNP
Follow these steps to setup your Miscrosoft Internet Explorer browser to use web cache or proxy server at Malawi SDNP.
  1. Click on View or Tools and move down to Internet Options. If you have Internet Options under Tools then you are most likely running Internet Explorer Version 5 (IE5)
  2. In the Internet Options screen click on Connections at the top.
  3. Find the section for Proxy Server for your connection. If there is Dial-up settings section (IE5) click on Settings to get to Proxy Server section. You must highlight the correct Connection icon for the settings on IE5.
  4. Click on Access the Internet using a proxy server (IE4) or Use a proxy server (IE5)
  5. The Address and Port areas will then become active
  6. Click on Advanced to display these with more details
  7. On the space for HTTP, type the cache address:, or for Lilongwe:
  8. On the space for Port, type in the port number: 8080
  9. Click on Use the same proxy server for all protocols so that it is ticked
  10. Now click OK on this screen and on all the remaining ones to close and save the setup
This completes the setup for the Internet Explorer browser to use the web cache. You must close Internet Explorer and start it again for these changes to take effect. Any access to any website outside Malawi SDNP after this be processed through the SDNP cache. Congratulations for completing the steps.

If you have any problems please contact us at Malawi SDNP. The full contact information is on the Malawi SDNP website.       Last updated: 6 June 2000