Table of contents

a) Taxonomic research. On going research
in this field includes:
A range-wide taxonomic revision of the genus (Brachystegia
caesalpinioideae- Leguminosae). The project attempts to produce the first
monograph of the genus and is being undertaken by Augustine Chikuni.
A taxonomic study of Pycreus (Cyperaceae).
Aubrey Banda, in conjunction with scientists at Kew Gardens in England,
is carrying out this work.
b) Ethnobotanical surveys:
One of the major objectives of the NHBG is to conduct
research on economic botany and to encourage sustainable utilization of
plant resources. The following are some of research topics, which directly
relate to this objective.
Medicinal plants and biodiversity in Malawi. This
project was funded by IDRC (1994-1998) and was headed by Montfort Mwanyambo.
The final report is available at the NHBG library.
Documentation and assessment of the efficacy of botanical
pesticides. Considering that synthetic pesticides are expensive to buy
and apply especially to smallholders farmers Augustine Chikuni has been
assessing the efficacy of plant extracts in crop protection.
Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used in
maternal and child health. This is Cecilia Maliwichi’s M.Sc. research topic
who is in her first year at Chancellor College Biology Department.
c) Conservation and
sustainable utilisation of plant resources
Management of biodiversity in protected areas. This
project is funded by GTZ and is being coordinated by Dickson Kamundi.
d) Vegetation surveys:
The National Herbarium mainly conducts vegetation
surveys as part of Environmental Impact Assessments. |
Publications by the NHBG
Seyani J.H. & Chikuni, A.C.,
1994 (editors). Proceedings of the 13th
AETFAT congress. National Herbarium
& Botanic Gardens. The proceedings are being sold at £100.00
for non-AETFAT members and £80.00 for members.
Banda E.A.K. & Morris, B.,
1986. Common weeds of Malawi. University
of Malawi. A limited number of copies are available at the NHBG for £3.00
Binns, B., 1972. Dictionary
of plant names in Malawi. Government Printer, Zomba. This book
is being sold at £2.00 each.
The NHBG has institutional links
with Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United
Kingdom. Under this link the two institutions have achieved a well-established
relationships of scientific and technical co-operation.
The NHBG also collaborates
with botanical institutions in southern Africa under the SABONET (Southern
Africa Botanical Diversity Network) programmes. Under SABONET
programmes the NHBG has acquired research equipment and the staff have
been trained in various botanical subjects. Furthermore, under SABONET
programmes there are proposals to establish links between NHBG’s botanic
gardens and NBI (National Botanical Institute) of South Africa. |