Assembly |
26. (1) For purposes of good administration and
proper management, CONGOMA shall hold a General Assembly of the NGOs which
shall be attended by the following:-
a) all members of the Board
b) all Board Members of CONGOMA c) all NGOs registered under this Act (2) The General Assembly of the NGOs shall be held once every year to transact the following business - a) receive a report concerning the activities of the Board during that financial year; and b) to deal with any matters which the Board desires to bring before it and any other matter or suggestion which the general membership may bring before it: Provided that no such suggestions shall be considered by the General Assembly unless on week prior notice in writing is served on the members before the meeting is held. (3) A notice convening the General Assembly shall be sent to members not less than fourteen days before the date of the meeting and notice shall be accompanied by the agenda for the meeting. (4) At the General Assembly the quorum shall be formed by fifty percent of the membership. (5) At the General Assembly voting shall by secret ballot and in the event of an equality of votes the Chairman or other person presiding shall have a casting vote in addition to his deliberative vote. (6) The general public may attend the General Assembly as observers and shall not directly participate in the proceedings of the General Assembly but may make their observations in writing to the Chairman. (7) The Chairperson of the Board of CONGOMA shall preside at the General
B. No. 19