
NGO Management: The Earthscan Companion
By Chiku Malunga
The task environment of NGOs is changing rapidly and significantly making new demands on their management and leadership. This Companion discusses the complexities involved. It illustrates how NGOs can maintain performance and remain agile amidst increasing uncertainties. These factors include the position of NGOs in civil society, their involvement in governance and coping with the effects of the securitisation of international aid.
Complementing The Earthscan Reader in NGO Management, selected contributions and specially commissioned pieces from NGO thought leaders and practitioners, provide the reader with insights on the emerging thinking, competences and practices needed for success in managing and leading tomorrow's NGOs.

Understanding Organizational Sustainability through African Proverbs: Insights for Leaders and Facilitators
by Chiku Malunga with Charles Banda, published by Practical Action Publishing, UK.
The book describes how African Proverbs can be used to understand organizational growth and development over time. By rediscovering the power of African Proverbs, readers are rewarded with new and creative ways to communicate organizational improvement efforts in a language that touches people's hearts and motivates them to personal and organizational transformation. The book specifically addresses the role of leaders and facilitators implementing performance improvement and organizational change initiatives.

Oblivion or Utopia: The Prospects for Africa
By Chiku Malunga
Oblivion or Utopia: the Prospects for Africa explains that most of the problems on the continent stem from the fact that, although the continent may be politically independent, it is not economically independent. Efforts to reverse the continent's continuing underdevelopment have failed to date, including trillions of dollars in aid, because they have not been consciously aimed at enabling Africa to turn its vast natural resources into wealth, which is the only known way of ensuring economic independence. Based on a comprehensive exploration of impediments to reach the goal of economic independence required for self definition, the book proposes a five step strategy which can enable the continent to turn its natural resources into wealth by: 1.

Understanding Organizational Leadership through Ubuntu
By Chiku Malunga
Understanding Organizational Leadership through Ubuntu offers a creative, innovative and holistic approach to understanding organizational leadership using the principles embodied in the African philosophy of personhood known as ubuntu – or the essence of being human. Using African proverbs, folktales and indigenous concepts, the book discusses the organizational principles of ubuntu and the leadership lessons that modern organizations can learn from these principles. The principles include sharing and collective ownership of opportunities, responsibilities and challenges, the importance of people and relationships over things, participatory leadership and decision making, loyalty, reconciliation, experiential learning and knowledge management

Making Strategic Plans Work: Insights from Indigenous African Wisdom
By Chiku Malunga
Making Strategic Plans Work introduces an innovative and creative approach to understanding the theory and practice of strategic planning. Based on proverbs and folktales, the book provides detailed analyses of the stages of the strategic planning process - preparation, formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. It also discusses the roles and responsibilities of the key players in the process - boards, management, donors, consultants and communities and how to build their capacity for more effectiveness. It equally provides at each stage templates for assessing the effectiveness of the strategic planning process as well as the key players....